Thursday, August 7, 2008


I lay here,
and you so far.
Will you take me there ?
To where the frost will thaw,
and to the beckoning water.
Clear this dry throat.

Rip this mask from the skin.
And reveal the light that's been waiting to shine.
Shine inside your eyes and,
please show me the light and,
this beside you and,
shine through the storm.

I still stand tall amidst the gloom.
And if I fall, I will hold on to this frayed rope.
And drown in light.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brilliance =)

Shine inside your eyes and,
please show me the light and,
this beside you and,
shine through the storm.

I love this part ..
and drown in light... sounds so cool :p

lol !! Amazing poem !! yay :)